Most of the oldest woollen-cloth factories were located in this quarter.
A series of canals allowed them to use as a power source the constant water of the stream Re, which rises in the Reme area in the upper part of the town.
The quarter takes its name from the many waterwheels of the factories which were situated in the area.
Among them some “folli”(a manufacturing plant driven by a waterwheel which allowed
to make woollen cloth soft and compact. It was made by pressing and immersing it into appropriate aggressive chemicals) and dye-works (particular factories where dyeing is done, that is a treatment stage of a piece of fabric which is immersed into a colour dye bath for at least 24 hours).
In the 15th century the Adorninis de Paratico’s, Rainieri’s, Marenzi’s, Gaioncelli’s, Celeri’s, Lolio’s and Sorgata de Lolio’s houses were located in this quarter.
THE CIVIC TOWER It was rebuilt during the XIX century. On the tower there’s a clock and a fresco of a lion, symbol of the Venetian rule, bearing the date 1442. The fresco below is a false, a part of the original fresco beeing now kept in the office of the town hall while the other part got destroyed. The Civic Tower, which dates back to the XIV century, lies on the remains of the castle of the Celeri family.