It’s unclear where the place name “Botazuolo” comes from. It’s associated with this populated town quarter at the foot of Lovere castle (no longer in existence). It may be referred to the Stream Re Canal which ran through it after rising in the Reme area.
Roman archaeological finds and remains of burial sites have been discovered for centuries in this area.
In the 15th century shops, workshops and taverns were located here. In the quarter lived both poor weaver families and notaries and businessmen in the wool trade such as the Pezolis de Capitaneis de Suere, the Vianinis de Celeris, the Lolios, the Bossises, the Gaioncellis, the Valengises, the de Petenciises, the de Capretises, the Biandonibuses de Gandino, the Cirambellises de Gandino and the de Marinonibuses de Cerete.
SANCTUARY OF LOVERE SAINTS The sanctuary is dedicated to Christ, King of the Virgins, and it was consecrated by the bishop of Brescia in 1938. It was built in honour of the Loverese Bartolomea Capitanio and Vincenza Gerosa, who were canonized by Pope Pius XII in 1950. The mosaics and symbols along the porticoed entrance stairs represent the Beatitudes and the Works of Mercy in harmony with the charitable aims of the Congregation “Sisters of Charity” (nowadays known as “Sisters of Holy Child Mary”), which was founded in Lovere by the two saints in 1832. The Congregation spread over many countries not only in Europe, but also in Asia, America and Africa. Info: tel. +39 035.960147
CAPUCHIN MONASTERY St. Maurice’s Convent has been standing on the homonym hill since the 12th century. In 1448 Friars Observant built up their monastery here. They stayed till 1601, when Friars Reformed replaced them and greatly enlarged the building. In 1805 Napoleon ordered the dissolution of the monastery. It was only in 1875 that its reconstruction started and a Franciscan Capuchin community moved here again in 1879. St. Peter’s Chapel, located in the churchyard of the convent, houses a remarkable 15th-century fresco representing Madonna enthroned with the Child.
ST. GEORGE’ S CHURCH Lovere provostal church was built at the end of the 14th century over the previous medieval tower Soca. It houses a magnificent painting placed on the inner by the Flemish painter Jean de Herdt (1657). The altar-piece of the left altar painted by G. Paolo Cavagna (1556-1627) and the altar-piece of the high altar attributed to Jacopo Palma il Giovane (1544-1628) deserve special mention.